About Us

The Man Shake is the fastest and easiest way to lose weight. It is a specifically designed weight-loss shake for men to lose the beer gut without losing all the beers. The Man Shake is the ultimate meal replacement shake as it tastes great, keeps you full and is high in protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals and low in sugar.

Why Adam Started The Man Shake

When I retired from Rugby League, I no longer had the time to prepare lots of meals and train hard. I wanted something I could eat on the run that was great for me and tasted good, and, more importantly, left me feeling full.

My friends kept asking me how to lose their beer gut without losing the beers! So I decided to make a shake that tastes great, you don’t have to think about it, and yes, you will lose your beer gut!

I am a firm believer that you can not out-train a bad diet. What we eat is crucial in achieving our weight loss goals. So I designed The Man Shake to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

The Man Shake is simple; no thinking is required, anyone can do it, and yes, you will lose weight!

The Man Shake is designed for the everyday man. So no more excuses. Harden up; life’s too short to be soft. It’s time to start living your best life!.