Duerel Went From Skeptic to Shaker After Losing 10kg

Duerel Went From Skeptic to Shaker After Losing 10kg


Hey all, I’m Duerel and this is my Man Shake experience.

As of right now, I’m still pretty new to the Man Shake, but what I can say so far is just… WOW. 

Everyone has their own motivations to start something, for me, my motivation was my own health. I felt unhappy, sad, and embarrassed of myself. 
I was sitting at the heaviest I have ever been at only 25 years old.
I weighed in at 108.7kg and I didn’t know what to do.
I had heard of The Man Shake but, at the time, it looked like just another one of those things that don’t work, take your money, doesn’t keep you full, and leaves you thinking you have been scammed.
Well, wasn’t I shocked!

I needed to try something and it seemed that everywhere I looked all I could see was this ad for The Man Shake. I even spotted the shakes at the shops on my weekly shop. It wouldn’t leave me alone!
So I bit the bullet. I took the plunge.
I picked up the Variety Pack. Seemed simple enough and wasn’t too expensive.
Then, just my luck, they went on special so I got a few more to last so I can really see how it goes. 

Week 1
I was shocked, and surprised by how easy this was!
My daily routine started, and still to this day, with a Shake for breakfast (Coffee flavour is the best choice) to kick start my morning and replace my usual just-a-coffee brekkie.
Then lunch was a Shake followed by a Man Bar.
When I make my Shakes I use a mix of 300ml water and 200ml to give it a good creamy taste. 

But I decided to see how I would go when it came to dinner time.
I changed nothing. Still gotta enjoy the little things!

Week 4
I never thought this was possible!
I was a firm believer that shakes can’t keep you full and it was all a big scam. But it’s easy to read things online and even easier to not try for yourself.

Well, all I can say is I WISH I started this earlier!

1 month in and I’m below 100kgs!
Just under 10kgs lost in a month!
The Man Shake!

I honestly never thought I’d be someone who would set themselves goals, especially health goals, but here I am.
My current goal is to be below 80kg again.
I’m confident that with The Man Shake beside me, I can hit this goal.
And all it took was a simple routine I built for myself and I’m still going to this day. 

Something I was not expecting was how good I would feel after a Shake!
I feel full and I’ve had just enough, which makes things so much easier.

I always thought a weight loss journey like this was impossible for me.
But I’ve chosen to look at that word differently.
To me, it now reads ‘I’m possible’.

One thing I’ve learned is to try it for yourself. It’s great that other people have their opinions but don’t let them become your opinions. I let others' thoughts on meal replacement shakes shape my beliefs about them and it did nothing but slow down my potential weight loss. I wish I tried The Man Shake earlier.
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