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How To Stop Farting


Who doesn't enjoy a good joke about flatulence? A well-placed Fart can be comedy gold that can bring the whole house down... in more ways than one.

But what happens when your farts are so regular or so violent that they stop being funny? And how can you reduce the volume or smell of your farts? Here's our guide to healthier farts.

What causes farting?

Did you know that most people pass wind between 14 and 23 times per day? However, most farts are silent and not violent (no smell).

When you eat and drink you are also swallowing small amounts of air. This collects in the digestive system and needs to be releases through burping or farting. The 'aroma' of your flatulence can also be impacted by the foods you eat.

How to fart less

Firstly, try taking smaller, slower sips and bites when you eat and drink. This will reduce the amount of air you gulp. Combining this with chewing your food more thoroughly should also help reduce the gas.

Foods that will increase gas are the ones which are harder to digest, and some people will find some foods harder than others, such as dairy or whole grains. However, a lot of these foods are also really good for us as they are high in fibre or protein, so instead of cutting them out completely, maybe limit them in your diet if you are particularly gassy.

Foods that make you fart more

  • Beans as well as other legumes like lentils
  • Brussels sprouts and cabbage
  • Oats and wholemeal bread
  • Dried fruit such as raisins and prunes
  • Cheese and dairy
  • Chewing gum
  • Fizzy drinks and Soda

Foods that help to reduce farts

  • Garlic
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Dill
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint
  • Cumin
Try adding ginger or peppermint tea to your diet or add some cinnamon into your morning Man Shake.

Moving helps to reduce farts

We're not just saying this to get you out for a run! Getting moving will also help you to reduce your bloating and expel any trapped gas that's building up. Try a short walk, a jog, a bike ride or any kind of cardio - get off your gassy ass and get moving and exercising!

Struggling to get moving? Try our 5 exercises you can do from your couch.

Try a prebiotic

The formulation for The Man Shake contains a Probiotic but if you are looking for a little extra, some plain Greek Yogurt is a great natural way to get some and it's high in protein as well. It also tastes pretty good in a Man Shake blended up with some ice and frozen berries.

Drink more water

I know we say this a lot, but drinking more water helps with all sorts of things, including helping your digestion! Drinking the recommended amount, around 2-3 litres per day, will help to reduce your farts.

But remember to not gulp it down so fast you are swallowing more air. Sip water regularly throughout the day so you don't have a smash a whole bottle at once.

Give it some time

If you've noticed the extra flatulence because you've started a new diet or changed your eating habits - or maybe you've just started The Man Shake Plan? It can take time for your body to adjust and regulate, especially if it's not used to eating healthier choices with higher fibre, like green vegetables. If it continues for an extended period of time, or you are concerned, please consult your GP.