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How To Exercise On A Rainy Day



Winter is coming and that means shorter, colder, and often rain affected days.

While rainy weather usually puts a bit of a dampener (see what we did there!) on your exercise regime by limiting your time outside, there are a few things you can do to ensure you can still achieve your fitness goals.

Let’s check them out!


You don’t even need an exercise bike to do this! Just lie down on your back and start rotating your legs in the air as though you’re riding a bike. Fifteen to 30 minutes is the recommended time for this exercise but start small and build up to that time if you aren’t confident. 

Step Up

Have steps or even one step in your house? If so, you have a ready-made rainy day exercise machine. To get some cardio from the comfort of your own home, just start walking up and down the stairs (or stair). Once again, 15 to 30 minutes is recommended, but start with whatever time you feel comfortable with — this isn’t a race.


Ever seen a Rocky movie? Of course you have! One of the key exercises during his numerous training montages was skipping over the old jump rope. Not only is this exercise great cardio but it also strengthens the lower part of your body too. If you don’t have a rope, try doing some star jumps. Either way, just make sure you have plenty of room, you don’t want to break any lamps!

Hallway Lunges

Got a long hallway in your house? Then make your midday break a ‘lunge time’ date by doing some walking lunges up and down the passage. Don’t know what a walking lunge is? Check out this video.


Ok, this may sound a little weird, but hear us out. Dancing is really good cardio exercise and pretty simple to do. Just grab your music player, put on a danceable tune, and shake your body to the rhythm. If you’re embarrassed about people seeing you dance, don’t worry, just do it when nobody else is home — and maybe shut the blinds (for everyone's benefit)!


Yep, this may sound like another strange one, but like gardening, it requires a lot of movement and bending over, and thus can constitute exercise. Another additional benefit is that it will probably put your better half in a good mood!