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How Dogs Help With Weight Loss



There’s a reason why dogs are referred to as ‘man’s best friend.’ Sure, they’re often cute and loyal companions who show unconditional love to their owners, but it also turns out that they’re great training partners, who are great at helping you out on your weight loss journey. Let’s find out how.


Humans aren’t the only creatures that need exercise, you know. Your pooch also needs to go on walks to stay healthy. To ensure your dog doesn’t stack on the pounds, take them out for a mutually beneficial stroll every day.

Dogs usually love walking and will be gagging to leave the house when they see you with the lead in your hand, meaning they will be dragging you out the door and ensuring that you both increase your step count.

According to a study in the journal ‘Scientific Reports’, dog owners generally spend about 300 minutes walking with their canine companions, as opposed to non-dog owners who walk for just 100 minutes per week That’s a decent whack of calories being knocked off by those dog owners, isn’t it?

Increased Incidental Exercise

Incidental exercise refers to any physical activity that you undertake during your regular day, like walking to the train station during your commute.

We already know that you generally start walking more because of a dog, but that’s not the only form of exercise you get. Think about all the little extra activity you get around the house when you play a game of tug of war with them or run them outside to ensure they don’t whizz on the rug. It may not seem like a lot, but it all adds up!

Increased Physical Exercise

Sure, all dogs need walking, but some breeds need a little more activity to ensure they live their best lives. Larger and more active breeds like Border Collies, Weimaraners and Siberian Huskies often love going on hikes or runs. If you’re looking to be more athletic and get into more high-intensity workouts, these more physical species could help whip you into shape!

Alternatively, if you’re not someone who fancies long walks or runs, take your dog down to the park and throw the ball around with them. If you play a bit of chase with them, you’ll probably work up a bit of a sweat, too!