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How To Sleep Off Your Gut!


A restless night of sleep can leave you feeling sluggish, tired and grumpy for the whole day. But did you know your lack of sleep is actually adding to your waistline as well?

In 2012, a study found that people who regularly got 6 to 8 hours of sleep were two times more likely to succeed with their weight loss program than those who weren't getting enough sleep.

So if you're not getting enough sleep, it's time to change that, and we have some hacks to help you get there.

"Blue Light" is a light emitted from your smartphone, television or device. Studies have shown that this light disrupts the sleep-inducing hormones produced by your brain, delaying your sleep cycle.

Phones these days do have "Night Mode" settings, which will lower the blue light emitted, but the best thing to do for your sleep is to put the devices down an hour before bed.

A warm shower or bath before bed will help you sleep better!

This is because it helps regular your circadian rhythm, which is your internal body clock. Your mind relies on thermoregulation (body temperature) to tell it when to sleep. A warm shower will help raise your body temperature, and then once you get out your body will begin to cool off (emulating night time), signalling the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. For best effect, give this process 60-90 minutes.

A warm shower can also help you destress and decongest, helping you get to sleep quicker and more peacefully. Just remember, don't make it too hot or it can take longer for your body to cool post-shower.

You may be skeptical, but this one is backed by smart people and research.

It's scientifically proven that scents like lavender and vanilla help to get you drifting off to sleep quicker than counting sheep. These scents help to calm your senses and slow the nervous system. Plus, it just smells nice in general so there's no harm with that.

Not all hours of sleep are created equal. Remember, it's called midnight for a reason not 'think about getting to sleep and checking your phone' time.

Get this - every hour of sleep you get between 10 pm and 1 am is equivalent to 2 hours of sleep after this time for your body. That sounds like a solid deal to us, so make use of these golden hours.

Do you lay in bed overthinking and stressing about things? Try writing it down!

The European Sleep Institute has found that people who write down their problems before going to bed with a solution to the issue, or a to-do list for the coming day, will experience better sleep than those who do not.

Getting it out of your head helps to calm the brain and you will be more prepared to tackle the tasks the following day.

Creating the perfect sleep environment is critical to getting good sleep.

Artificial light in your bedroom suppresses sleep hormones. You want to try and get your room as dark and quiet as possible, and avoid looking at your phone or TV.

While we're talking about TV, did you know that having one in your bedroom halves your chances of GETTING LUCKY?

Use these tips to maximize your sleep and see all the amazing health benefits that follow!