Michael lost 35kg to be there for his wife and daughter


My name is Michael, I'm 28 and from Warragamba, NSW.
I was always the big kid at school, even throughout my teenage years and into adulthood. I suffer from Asthma quite badly and have sleeping issues associated with my weight. I think I got to the point I did because I ate what I thought was normal and drank soft drinks all the time. Looking back now, I realise I was overdoing it.
The point that woke me up was when I was with my wife and young daughter one day. I love them so much, and I couldn't imagine my daughter or wife not having me around to provide for them. I knew I needed to do something about my weight.
Getting Started
Previously, I had tried a heap of other methods to lose weight - the soup diet, lite n easy, weight watchers, but none of them seemed to work or even help. That's when I first found out about The Man Shake on social media. I went and bought a sampler pack from Coles to give it a try, and then I got a month's supply from the website.I found it easy to fit The Man Shake into my lifestyle. I replace 2 meals a day with a shake and then have a healthy snack in between with a home-cooked meal for dinner. My favourite flavour so far is strawberry.
My lifestyle did a complete 360 and I started seeing results on the scales and in my clothing sizes.

Michael has now lost over 35kg with The Man Shake
The biggest difference now I've lost the weight is how much more energy I have throughout the day. I honestly feel like I'm a new man again, getting the spark back into my life and the smile back on my face I'd lost for so many years.
The biggest roadblock I faced was finding time to do it while working a 10hr job every day. I overcame this by making time for my weight loss around my work schedule. There is always time in the day to get things done, you just need to be motivated and want to do it.
If someone is thinking about starting The Man Shake and losing weight, then stop thinking about it and get on board. I promise you will see the results I have, it has changed my life for the better and it will change yours also.