Matthew turned his life around losing 90kg!

My name is Matthew and I'm 35, I'm from Dapto and I have lost 90kgs so far since January 1, 2022.
I had always struggled with my weight, even when I was a kid I have always been overweight. When the pandemic started it gave me even more of a reason to do as little as possible and more reasons to eat junk food.
On Christmas 2021 I stepped on my scales which went up to 200kgs and I was too heavy for them. I then looked hard at a picture of me and one of my daughters receiving an award at the end of the year in 2021 and I was in a 9XL shirt and even my eyelids were swollen, I was so overweight.
I went to the doctor that week and my blood pressure were so high they prescribed me blood pressure medication and I thought to myself, I'm going to drop dead and leave my 6 children without a dad and leave my partner to have to do it all on her own, which scared me.
I'm 35 and I'm not getting any younger and I'm a father of 6 children aged between 14 and 3 and I have the best partner in the world who is my absolute best friend and soul mate. I have to be here for them for as long as I can so I don't miss their lives and everything thing they do.
I got recommended to The Man Shake by my brother-in-law who had used it and lost 40-odd kilos and he loved it so I thought I would give it a crack
Now that I've lost some weight the biggest difference from other methods is price — it's so affordable and it all tastes so good. I'm mentally ready to be healthy and want to be a better person, not just for myself but for my family. My knees hurt less, and I don't get fatigued. I can go all day long.
I guess the roadblock I had was a mental battle with thinking it was too hard, and always looked for an excuse to "start next week" instead of making a change. I have overcome that by the realisation that if I didn't make a change I would have been lucky to live past 40.
I work full-time, my old routine would consist of waking up, going to Maccas, and getting coffee, then I would just drink Coke all day until I got home from work.
I skipped breakfast and lunch, so by the time I'd get home I would be starving and eat a full pot for dinner and then dessert because I'd just drank Coke all day to get me by till dinner. The Man Shake is just so convenient because I can pack my shakes into my work bag with my shaker and have breakfast when I get to work and then lunch at work to all in one little shaker.
It takes up no space and in one minute it's to get ready, it just saves so much time in the day.
Honestly, The Man Shake just works. It's affordable, it tastes so good and it saves so much time. I don't know how I lived before, I will use The Man Shake forever.
If you're on the fence, just do it, you won't regret it. And it won't take long to see real results.