Lucas took the leap and lost 45kg

Hi my name is Lucas, I’m 21 years old and have a high functioning form of autism.
I started The Man Shake on January 25th 2021 and in over 7 months have lost nearly 45kg.
My starting weight was 145.9kg and I’m currently 101kg and my current goal weight is 95kg but it may be less than that since I want to see what happens next after I hit my 1st goal weight.
I have tried many ways of losing weight since I was in my early teens ranging from just eating chicken, broccoli and white rice for every single meal and I would always fail since I hated what I was eating.
I have always had a poor relationship with food since I was a child and never got a handle on my terrible eating habits.
I wasn’t always overweight though, the weight started creeping up when I went to high school and started buying Pepsi from the canteen every day and not eating breakfast at all and feeling very lethargic and tired all the time.
I was a very unfit person where I would take out the garbage and come back feeling very winded and huffing and puffing feeling like I ran a 2000km marathon or something.
I discovered The Man Shake via Ash ‘That Fat Guy’ where I was looking up videos on how to lose weight and he came up telling his story to his subscribers and that’s when I decided in early 2021 that I should give it a try.
I went to buy the sample pack from woolies and I liked Chocolate, Banana and Vanilla and Caramel and then after that I went to buy the big pack.
Then was the main meal part of it, I basically wanted to eat something I’d enjoy so I had a burger everyday like Brad Bandicoot on YouTube and other healthy snacks like harvest snaps, YoPro Yogurts, nuts etc and made sure most of my diet was protein based.
This is my routine every morning now.
10:00AM: Shake
12:00AM: Snack
2:00PM: Lunch
4:00PM: Snack
6-6:30PM: Shake
And that is a perfect routine and I also do 10,000 steps per day at least 5 times a week.
I wished I had discovered The Man Shake years ago and this by far has been the easiest and best weight loss journey I have ever been on in my entire life.
If you’re thinking of trying to lose weight out there, give the man shake a go because you will not be disappointed.
If i didn’t make the change I needed to I would’ve ended up with severe conditions like heart disease, sleep apnea or death and I would’ve kept gaining more and more weight till I reach over 200kg.