Andrew wanted to be his happier self so lost 53kgs!

My name is Andrew and I’ve lost 53 kgs with the help of the Man Shake.
I started The Man Shake on the 2nd of July 2022 weighing in at 152.5kgs and on my recent weigh in on the 25th February 2023 I weighed in at 99.5kgs.
I decided to start The Man Shake after being big for my whole life and always shopping in the limited big men’s sections, I wanted to wear sports team merchandise to show support for my sports teams and also approaching 30 years old I wanted to live a longer happier healthier life.
Since starting The Man Shake and losing the weight, I have never felt happier mentally or physically. I am super thankful that I took the plunge and decided to give The Man Shake a go - I honestly could not be happier or healthier!
My daily Man Shake routine was a shake for breakfast and then a snack (e.g.) man bar then a 500cal meal for lunch and a small snack (e.g.) nuts or dates in the afternoon and then a Man Shake for dinner dessert was usually strawberries and either dark chocolate or a scoop of ice cream. My favourite flavour is definitely Choc Honeycomb for dinner and Chocolate for breakfast.
One of the main reasons I wanted to feature in these testimonials is because I want to inspire others and show that anything is possible when you put your mind to it. For anyone that is thinking about starting the Man Shake stop thinking about it and get started on being the happiest healthiest person you can be, It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.