The Man Shake
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The Beginners Guide to The Man Shake

Weight loss


With a new year comes new hopes and goals, but it also brings a lot of noise from the mainstream & social media, external pressure from family and friends and our own internal pressure to dramatically change ourselves.

It's time to throw all that out the window! Let's just focus on the present and how you can become better than yesterday. It's all about taking small steps that add up over time and telling that bloke in the mirror he can do it.

Ash, also known as "that fat guy" on YouTube, has done it and documented his journey along the way. We are beyond proud of him for being such a motivational force within our Man Shake Community and showing people that it can be done!

Watch Ash's video above on how he lost 50kg. If you’re looking to get started on your weight loss journey, the Get Started Pack is perfect for you!

Please note that prices are subject to change, and that prices in the video are no longer correct or relevant to current pricing. Please visit our online store for the most up-to-date pricing.