How To Take Inspiration From Kids' Sport

Fellas, it’s time to stop living vicariously through your kids and start getting active with them!
Social sport can be extremely beneficial to children for a multitude of reasons, but adults can get a lot out of it too, whether as a participant or a (physically) active supporter.
If you’re on a weight loss journey and are keen to get active while also supporting your offspring, then this blog is for you.
Volunteer As A Coach Or A Trainer
We can almost guarantee that your local grassroots team is currently short-staffed. If you have a desire to give something back to the community while also increasing your physical fitness, why don’t you try becoming a coach or trainer for your young one’s team. Just remember that you’re not playing in the major league, so keep your temper and ego in-check.
Try Refereeing
While referees are often the most maligned people in the sports world, they’re basically as important as the players, because with no referee, there is no game. If you feel like you have a good understanding of a sport’s rules, find out how to get the correct qualifications and pick up that whistle. Not only will it help you get some exercise, but you’ll also probably learn a bit of humility as well.
Help Your Kids Practice
Is your child keen to improve their skills outside both game time and formal training sessions? Awesome, here’s Dad’s chance to shine! Grab a bat, a ball or whatever else you need, and head down to the local park to help them practice. Not only will this benefit both parties physically, but it may even strengthen your emotional bonds. Plus, imagine how proud you’ll feel when you see your youngsters improve!
Learn Valuable Lessons Alongside Them
There is a stack of great life lessons kids can learn from team sports including:
- That it’s OK to make mistakes
- How to control your emotions
- How to be a good winner and loser
- How to be a team player
- Perseverance in the face of adversity
- Integrity
Even as adults, we are never too old to learn new lessons or get a refresher on some that we may have forgotten over the course of our lives. When you ride the rollercoaster of sports (and life) with your kids, these lessons will often rub off on you too!
Join An Adults Team
Does your kid’s club have a senior team? Are you eligible to play? If so, why not give it a go?! Not only is social sport a great way to improve your health, but it can also improve your social life (as the name implies) by introducing you to new people. If you have any pressing health concerns, though, consult your doctor before putting the boots back on.