7 Super Foods That Make You Happy And Boost Your Mood
•Health hacks
There's no hiding from the fact that losing weight can be a bit of a slog.
There's going to be times where you're going to be feeling tired and demotivated, but it's important to push through and hit your goals.
With that in mind, here are some foods that research shows will keep your body feeling great and keep you energised during your weight loss journey.
Omega 3 found in salmon have been proven to boost mood. It will also keep you smiling, as studies have shown that people who incorporated more omega 3 in their diet were 30% less likely to develop gum disease than those who don’t have it often.
Another food that is high in omega 3 and good fats. when making a sandwich, spread avocado on your bread rather than butter. It's healthier and will leave you feeling less bloated.
Dark Chocolate
We have mentioned this before and we’ll mention it again, DARK CHOCOLATE IS GOOD! It is high in magnesium which is said to calm muscles and bring on relaxation, so break off that square and relax after dinner tonight.
Green Tea
If you are feeling stressed, this is the right choice of tea for you. The green leaves contain L-thiamine, which is an antioxidant linked to relaxation. Better yet, our Man Shakes contain green tea extract, so if you’re feeling stressed, have a Man Shake as well!
Greek Yogurt
Yogurt contains probiotics, a friendly bacterium that has been shown to ease depression. The best type of yogurt to get is the plain Greek yoghurt, as it is 100% sugar free and filled with calcium, which is good for bone strength.
Boiled eggs
These are a great food to snack on and incorporate into your diet. Eggs are also high in omega 3 and protein, meaning they will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
These are high in antioxidants and fibre, and will leave you feeling healthy and energised. They don't cause bloating are a great snack alternative to lollies and chocolate.